An Aggressive Strategy for Trading Weekly Options?
An Aggressive Strategy for Trading Weekly Options?
Oh you know you’re looking for one… I mean think about it, what if you could have inaccurate strategy or you could lineup sheet, high Delta weekly options with an extra juicy position size and just crush it!
Now that is fun!
If you’re looking to do so you better have darn good strategy that you can do in a systematic way. You don’t want to start winging it with weekly options or also get your tail kicked.
A word of caution: aggressive trading must be highly calculated and risk must be highly acknowledged! Don’t delude yourself thinking you can handle that extra big position size when you can. You have to ask yourself, “What if I lost this whole position amount? How would it affect me?” And if you’re fine with that then you’re fine with that.
But, through a lot of practice and thought mixed with a highly accurate strategy overtime you can become “NINJA” as a weekly options trader. Doing so will take a lot of virtual trading and tiny position size trading. Do not dive in with full position sizing! If you do you will cause psychological damage when you make a mistake that could take you a long time to get over. So be smart. Keep it simple. And get good at your craft.
Now in terms of a weekly options system they may want to consider check out STRIKER Options Weekly Paychecks options trading system. This system has potential to give you the potential accuracy for an aggressive style. For it is much better to have a strategy and plan in place that has been well figured out versus winging it. Plus save yourself months, years and maybe even decades trying to figure out a system on your own. For more information register below:
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