Options Trading 101 – Learn Options Trading Fast

Does Options Trading Sound Confusing?

Well, it will not be confusing anymore!

Our Options Trading 101 Course Cuts Right to the Chase and Shows You Exactly What You Need to Do to Start Trading Options and Avoid Options Trading Pitfalls.

Learn Options the Right Way, the Fast Way, and the Most Profitable Way—With Options 101!

There is risk to reward in any form of training. Stocks have their own risk profile to reward profile. Forex has its own risk to reward profile. And options trading has its own risk and reward profile. The key is to make the reward greater and the risk less  in order to net out a profit over repeated series of trades.

And each instrument has to have its own approach, with it’s own tendencies and it’s own options characteristics. .So what you want to do is match your trading strategy or system to the best instruments for that approach with the best options that will pay you well to your average “bread and butter” profitable move.

Learn Options - Options 101We look to smartly use options to reduce our risk and make more money. For example, when we want to trade for thousands of shares of a hundred-dollar stock, we need a hundred thousand dollars. But with options, we can control 1000 shares of stock with $1000, for example. And that control can bring us a similar reward, but we are only putting up $1000 for that reward.

Hence, we have leverage. And the benefit of that leverage is there if we a. have a systematic approach to trading that can put us in a high position to net out profit over repeated series of trades over time.  b. Figure out an optimal position size per trade, per system, per instruments, per options strike price distance from our entry price, per our own personal winning % of trading a system on a certain instrument etc. and so on, which can be started with a generic size but then optimized over time as you accumulate more of your own personal performance data. 

Options can provide diversification of various types. You can use options to put a lot less money into various stocks versus a stock and diversify by trading one system over multiple stocks. Or you can diversify by even just trading one stock with options while using multiple different systems. So in that case, you would have trading system diversification, which can get very interesting since you will be getting to know multiple systems at once. How to Trade Options

Technically, all you need is the consistent net profiting of one option trading system, where that system is so solid and its approach, where that system is so logical, where that system has proven itself over years and years in the past, so that you can use that one system to net out a consistent profit. But wait, there’s more exclamation point if you can have a super solid system that can net out a dependable net profit over series and cycles of time, such as weekly, monthly, yearly… Then all you need to do is keep running that system, and as your trading account grows, you increase your position size by a percentage. This is the way to get extraordinarily wealthy over time.

So your mission is to learn the fundamental, basic mechanics of what you need to know to profit and stay out of trouble. That’s what this Options 101 course provides. You can also ask us questions in your support ticket member area to help you accelerate your learning if needed. Then, from there, you need to find a trading system that’s going to jive with your personality and lifestyle desires.

And fortunately, we have a lot of those really powerful option trading systems for you to choose from. I would suggest that you learn the basics of options quickly and then quickly figure out what system you’re going to use over and over for decades to come. Every day you let go by is a day of compounding profits, which can cost you massively in the future. Just ask Warren Buffett about this.

So in summary, the goal is to learn the basics and the logic of not only options but also the basics and the logic of actually putting those options to work in options trading. And then you need to find an options trading system to start working methodically and habitually.

One more thing: you want to learn the concept of turning a profitable thing into a habit. A lot of people have a lot of habits that are anti-profitable or just a waste of time. Why not program into yourself new habits that are profitable for you and everyone else around you? That would be smart to do.


With Our Options 101, We’re Going to Help You Get Started Quickly in Options, Giving You the Practical Information You Need to Do the Right Things in Options Trading and Avoid Pitfalls.


  • Be able to know the information you need to get started trading options.
  • Know what options to buy, what strikes to buy, and how much time to buy on your options for optimal profit.
  • Know the pitfalls ahead of time so you won’t get caught in common traps.
  • Now nearing “Ancient Wisdom” with over 30 years in the market to help you think the right way to optimize success and avoid trouble
  • Understand that no one is born a good trader, and all great traders become so by learning knowledge and experience. You’ll learn how to be a shrewd options trader from the start and not be a gullible sucker in the marketplace.


  • Will cover all the core mechanics of options trading.
  • You’ll learn the right way to think for potential success in training.
  • You’ll understand how to use options leverage properly for maximum return while avoiding foolish mistakes.
  • You’ll find out how to trade as a business.
  • You’ll discover how to trade by price and use contingent orders to semi-automate your options entries and exits while entering and exiting at the perfect time.
  • Discover tools you can use to accelerate your options trading abilities.
  • Learn how to practice trading to perfect your skills before using real money.
  • Learn the process of developing an options trading system or options trading strategy in order to develop more potential, consistent returns, and greater returns over time.

Our objective is to get you focused so you can move directly into trading options well, smartly, strategically, and systematically. Why? So you can quickly get into position for the greatest probability of short-term and long-term success in options trading! You’ll want to avoid diving recklessly into options trading. You don’t want the financial or mental damage. But you do want to do things right and build confidence in your trading accounts!

Here are some of the things we’ll cover:

  • How do options work? What is option trading?
  • Learn how to trade options.
  • Discover how to start rocking the options market with your own devious mastermind plan for total options dominance!
  • Understand option pricing so you can pick the right options.
  • How to Read Option Chains
  • Understanding premium decay, time decay, and how to correctly trade with it
  • Options buying, buying calls, and puts
  • Options selling, selling calls, and puts
  • Introduction to Spreads
  • How to semi-automate your trading with contingent orders so you don’t have to watch the markets all day
  • Discover the proper options. compounding
  • Find out the difference between options investing and options trading.
  • Options for money management position sizing
  • Dynamic dealings with premium decay
  • Volatility traps and how to avoid
  • Ways to trade options via price charts
  • Options Greeks
  • Options combination strategies overview
  • Swing trading options approach.
  • Trend trading options approaches
  • Day trading options approaches
  • Types of options: stock, index, ETF, binary…
  • Options, pitfalls to avoid, and how to avoid them
  • How to find your “holy grail” for options trading the right way and avoid the “goose chase” of chasing “110% Winning” or any other strange manifestation of the compulsive gambler’s syndrome of chasing emotional highs… Learn the mental and emotional psychology it takes to succeed.


Options Trading Courses 101 Online.  Learn how to trade options through our straight to the point Options 101 Course.  Yes it is very possible to trade options for a living.  You just need to learn how and settle down into a simple system that can net out options profits over time.  Simple is the key word.  Humble is another key word.  Options trading system is another key concept.

Options basics

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