Learn How to Trade for a Potential Very Good Living from Home or From Wherever You Want…with Options Weekly Paychecks System B…

Learn More About Options Trading System Options Weekly Paychecks System B V. 2.0 for a Trading for a Living Type of System, Increasing Cash Flow & Net Worth….

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  • What if you could possibly replace your job income by trading the markets on a part time basis?
  • Did you know that the new upgraded OWP B Version 2.0 Is more Accurate with Winning Percentages as High as 95.65% Over a Six Month Span?
  • That version 2.0 has been ranging between 80% and 90% winning over sample performance runs?
  • A recent run over 6 months shows that on three more ‘boring’ stocks with cheaper options $286,512.00 was produced on just 10 contracts for system results trading: WYNN, CLF and CAT – And with our MOMM’s “Magical Options Money Management System” you could have made much more than that.

Could an Options Trading System Offer You the Possibility of Money Being DONE?

  • Massive new increases in system based results with the new Options Weekly Paychecks Version 2.0.
  • Potential profitability is now tremendous. See the systems’ results below for details
  • Accuracy has skyrocketed with the new Version 2.0.
  • I mean how the heck is it possible to make 207 points off WYNN stock in six months with a 414.44 annualized points off of WYNN??? Have you even ever seen this level of profitability?
  • Options Weekly Paychecks version1.0 has had several dramatically successful students already – how much further are you going to surpass our past and current students now that you are going to get your hands on Options Weekly Paychecks VERSION 2.0!!
  • You have more control and tighter entries with less and smaller entry risk verses system A.
  • Profitability has been double to triple that of system A.
  • Ultimately you can purchase a tried and true, student proven method that could end up being your new life career.
  • Get our family involved. Teach them how to trade right so they could potentially become financially free as well.


Performance of Options Weekly Paychecks System B Upgraded More Powerful Version 2.0 on Three Slower Stocks:

10 Contracts Per Trade



20 Contracts Per Trade



50 Contracts Per Trade:


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LH Makes $240,000 in One Week…

Aug, 2010:

“I just wanted to let you know that System B caught that Potash move this morning! I am rich!!!!!

Thank you so much for giving me this freedom! I don’t know how toexpress my gratitude! I hope someday I can repay your kindness for sharing this system! “


I ended up buying 100 contracts at 1.22 and got out at 25.30 and slightly broke some money management rules but not that bad. 100 contracts is alot for me but I just got so tired of being a wuss and being scared all the time and I figured I just have to do it. I’m definitely feeling the “crack high” but I’m completely out of the position. I’ve been doubting the system, and maybe my ability to trade the system for awhile, thinking that it was too good to be true. I now (finally!) have to accept that this system works. I was worried it was all a scam in the beginning! I have listened to all of Chris’s audios so I remember him saying to own some stuff and pay off debts.

I just have to pay off my car and I will put the rest in the bank. You can use whatever testimonial you would like. You guys are amazing and I’m so thankful for this good fortune.”


** Results will vary from student to student depending on the correct use of the system and the actual use of the system. Many never use the system. Some never consistently apply the system. Stock and options choice will vary in the results they product. We can not promise you any future success since we are dealing with price markets. Our, your best bet for success is in taking a chance on a system that has performed well consistently over time in the hopes that possibility and probability that the systems performance, in combination with your performance of that system will do well at the present and into the future…. We make no promises or guarantees of future performance whatsoever however good our trading systems & strategies may be at the point in time of performance results. Posted customer feed back was done voluntarily by customer and we did not even ask. We appreciate all feed back from our customers.

Note: typical results or average results will range from lost money for those who break rules and refuse to trade the system correctly to zero for people who don’t take any action to some of the customer examples as you see above and to results customers have not told us about. Bottom line: this is trading: you can’t ‘expect guaranteed results’ because that is a losing mindset in trading and it doesn’t make any sense to good trading. You get a system to increase your chance, your probability, your potential for success. The only way you could ‘guaranteed make money’ like past results is to have a crystal ball – the pursuit of which, searching for a crystal ball is a ever losing adventure. Trade right. Trade smart and maybe you could have great success too!


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